Get READY because its NOW or NEVER
To ALL who CARE:
Having spoken on the phone and e-mail recently with RFA, SSFFF, United Boatman Capt Tony, Capt Adam Capt Ron etc there is a LOT of work going on with these guys that needs to be noticed, appreciated and given our full support. NONE of these people have EXTRA time to spare but DO so constantly. (A real time example: An SSFFF Board meeting tonight/ Seabass Fluke, Scup Advisors meeting in Philly tomorrow on quotas, letters being written over the past week for US the recreational angler to file for public comment on same).
Stay tuned as there is going to be posts very soon (possibly tonight and tomorrow) as to the PUBLIC SSFFF meeting, the letters to file on the Seabass / Fluke and Scup quotas with very little time to spare so once its out YOU need to ACT, ATTEND and make some F'ing NOISE already.
I have seen first hand what these people give of their time, energy etc and yet this management forum is NOT getting your attention and I KNOW it has to be frustrating to those that keep on doing it with little support.
Views/ Comments, questions posts etc are minimal and a little mind boggling based on whats going on!
I know a LOT of us have asked what can we do and when. Well its COMING!!So lets see our support.
Otherwise its just a waste of their time and when more fisheries close we may as well complain to ourselves.
RFA-NJ Member