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View Poll Results: Is being a Conservationist a bad thing?
Yes-no matter what is the issue 1 14.29%
No-conserve now or there won't be anything left 7 100.00%
I'm proud to say I'm a Conservationist-but not out loud! 1 14.29%
Dude? are you some sort of Commie? 1 14.29%
I can conserve when I want to-not when someone tells me to! 1 14.29%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 7. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 06-13-2012, 04:07 PM
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Question Is "Conservation" a bad word?

I'm curious how many feel about this. I understand how people feel about their rights to do what they want. When the buffalo were hunted to "near" extinction were "conservation" minded people shunned?

and yes I did go fishing last week without posting my report-is that wrong?
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Last edited by shresearchdude; 06-13-2012 at 04:16 PM..
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Old 06-13-2012, 04:43 PM
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Default Re: Is "Conservation" a bad word?

Originally Posted by shresearchdude
and yes I did go fishing last week without posting my report-is that wrong?
That is dead wrong John

All depends on what you're definition of a conservationist is.

I catch and release more often then not.

I care about the water quality and habitat.

I think certain parts of our forrests should be set aside and protected for all to enjoy in the future.

Call me whatever you like but late for dinner

I am willing to make sacrafices and have fisheries closed if the stock is in jeopardy, but I want the stock assessment to be based on good science.

I love and respect the outdoors and enjoy it in many ways besides fishing but am not one of those enviro wackos. What good are the outdoors if you can't enjoy them?

I do eat meat and don't support groups like PETA.

Gerry Zagorski <><

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Old 06-13-2012, 05:56 PM
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Default Re: Is "Conservation" a bad word?

There is a big difference between being a conservationist and being an environmentalist. Environmentalists put the well-being of the environment first and foremost, even if it means that humans no longer get access to it. Conservationists believe in wise use of the environment at a sustainable level, such that future generations can utilize it in the same manner as their predecessors. Environmentalists tend to think of plants and animals as individuals, while conservationists view them as populations. Environmentalists base their policies more on emotion, while conservationists rely more on science and statistics.

Conservation is not a bad word. It is important to conserve resources and not take more than the environment is able to replace in the same amount of time.
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Old 06-13-2012, 06:06 PM
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I have been fishing close to 60yrs. before there were any groups or regs. we did not kill everything we caught then nor now.That is conservation in the past.
Richie Dynes
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Old 06-13-2012, 07:02 PM
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Default Re: Is "Conservation" a bad word?

Originally Posted by Lard Almighty
There is a big difference between being a conservationist and being an environmentalist. Environmentalists put the well-being of the environment first and foremost, even if it means that humans no longer get access to it. Conservationists believe in wise use of the environment at a sustainable level, such that future generations can utilize it in the same manner as their predecessors. Environmentalists tend to think of plants and animals as individuals, while conservationists view them as populations. Environmentalists base their policies more on emotion, while conservationists rely more on science and statistics.

Conservation is not a bad word. It is important to conserve resources and not take more than the environment is able to replace in the same amount of time.
Exactly Lard...... I wish I could have stated is as eloquently as you just did.

Gerry Zagorski <><

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Old 06-13-2012, 11:36 PM
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Default Re: Is "Conservation" a bad word?

Originally Posted by Gerry Zagorski
Exactly Lard...... I wish I could have stated is as eloquently as you just did.
I'm just glad to be able to put my B.A. in Environmental Studies to good use.
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And it's gonna be a beautiful day, that's plain to see.
But I won't be around at all, so don't even bother to call,
Cause on a day like today there's one place I gotta be:

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Old 06-14-2012, 12:56 AM
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Default Re: Is "Conservation" a bad word?

Originally Posted by Gerry Zagorski
Exactly Lard...... I wish I could have stated is as eloquently as you just did.

Amen brother, Lard said it all!
Captain Shrimpy
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