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Old 01-23-2012, 02:46 PM
bunker dunker bunker dunker is offline
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Default Re: Fishermans Rally; Wash DC March 21, 2012

don't we elect congressman and senators to protect our rights and freedoms.
to march in front of someone{s} to protest what they are suppose to be doing already seems allot f-ed up
Old 01-23-2012, 04:27 PM
HutchJr HutchJr is offline
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Default Re: Fishermans Rally; Wash DC March 21, 2012

>> A major complaint from guys who marched last time has been "nothing's been done! I got nothing out of it!"

On February 24, 2010, a three-hour rally was held in Washington DC with 5,000 fishermen, commercial and recreational united in solidarity to keep fishermen fishing. On stage during this event were two dozen legislators who promised to take the torch and carry into Congress for reform of our federal fisheries law. Meanwhile, non-governmental environmental organizations with coffers in the billions took out ads in national newspapers and lobbied extensively to stop our efforts (while many folks in the sportfishing community, including national manufacturers, stood on the sideline not knowing whether or not it was ‘proper’ to get involved with such an effort.)

In 2011, EIGHT pieces of reform legislation designed to amend the Magnuson Stevens Act were finally heard in the House Natural Resources Committee, despite objection from the billion dollar environmental industry. The House is set to deal with legislation to fix Magnuson now, and the Senate will need to follow suit.

Yes, it's a slow process, but I belive that significant work has been done since 2010.

You guys realize it’s these billion dollar organizations against the will of the people here at work right now, correct? There’s strength in numbers – and November elections are coming, significant elections which can help chart a new course for our coastal fishing communities.

>> walking in circles with signs and speaking in front of the house really going to do anything other then put a bunch of people in one spot? If you can give me 10 high powered elected officials that could promise results, i would be willing to provide my money to that sector

You perhaps are unaware of what actually occurred in 2010…I’d suggest you take a look at the video releases from 2010 to understand what this event is all about, and how 2012 is expected to be bigger and better than before!

Folks, please understand if this issue was as easy as Congress seeing one side of an issue and voting to protect the people as well as the fish then we'd have no reason for rallies, and no need for political action. There are many well-heeled forces acting against our local fishermen and our coastal fishing communities...some of us refuse to accept defeat without a fight!
Old 01-23-2012, 04:35 PM
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Default Re: Fishermans Rally; Wash DC March 21, 2012

Originally Posted by bunker dunker
don't we elect congressman and senators to protect our rights and freedoms.
to march in front of someone{s} to protest what they are suppose to be doing already seems allot f-ed up
Who is left to vote for Eddie? No Man with a real conscience wants to get involved because of all the mud slinging....so we are left with the shit that has crawled out from under the rocks looking to make what they can and get their free ride!!
No way do they give a crap about me,you or any other human on this planet!
Politics has just about destroyed this great country.....Blue collar guys who just want to make a living, own a small house and raise a family can't, businessmen can't run a business because of all the BS taxes and rules made out to make their business better.
Nobody waves the flag harder than me and yet I am livid over what we have become. The select few with the power telling us (the sheep) what is right.

The Egyptian civilation lasted over 3,000 years, yet after less than 300 years for us, we are screwed. We had the world by the balls with our technology, industry and good old fashion family values. Where is that now?

All the guys who gave thier lives so we could be free would turn in thier graves if they could hear, "Why waste my time marching" what the hell was the point!!
If they didn't march, we'd all be speaking German!!
I FISH, I VOTE, I FIGHT, I MARCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I Fish, I Vote, I Marched"

Old 01-23-2012, 04:42 PM
Flukinator Flukinator is offline
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Default Re: Fishermans Rally; Wash DC March 21, 2012

Originally Posted by HutchJr
>> A major complaint from guys who marched last time has been "nothing's been done! I got nothing out of it!"

On February 24, 2010, a three-hour rally was held in Washington DC with 5,000 fishermen, commercial and recreational united in solidarity to keep fishermen fishing. On stage during this event were two dozen legislators who promised to take the torch and carry into Congress for reform of our federal fisheries law. Meanwhile, non-governmental environmental organizations with coffers in the billions took out ads in national newspapers and lobbied extensively to stop our efforts (while many folks in the sportfishing community, including national manufacturers, stood on the sideline not knowing whether or not it was ‘proper’ to get involved with such an effort.)

In 2011, EIGHT pieces of reform legislation designed to amend the Magnuson Stevens Act were finally heard in the House Natural Resources Committee, despite objection from the billion dollar environmental industry. The House is set to deal with legislation to fix Magnuson now, and the Senate will need to follow suit.

Yes, it's a slow process, but I belive that significant work has been done since 2010.

You guys realize it’s these billion dollar organizations against the will of the people here at work right now, correct? There’s strength in numbers – and November elections are coming, significant elections which can help chart a new course for our coastal fishing communities.

>> walking in circles with signs and speaking in front of the house really going to do anything other then put a bunch of people in one spot? If you can give me 10 high powered elected officials that could promise results, i would be willing to provide my money to that sector

You perhaps are unaware of what actually occurred in 2010…I’d suggest you take a look at the video releases from 2010 to understand what this event is all about, and how 2012 is expected to be bigger and better than before!

Folks, please understand if this issue was as easy as Congress seeing one side of an issue and voting to protect the people as well as the fish then we'd have no reason for rallies, and no need for political action. There are many well-heeled forces acting against our local fishermen and our coastal fishing communities...some of us refuse to accept defeat without a fight!
Thank you for clarifying.

Guys saying we're fighting a losing battle....that attitude, and doing NOTHING about it, is what's going to GUARANTEE that we lose and fishing as we know it becomes a thing of the past.

Screw that, I'm going again. Putting in for the day off now. See you in DC.
Old 01-23-2012, 05:10 PM
bunker dunker bunker dunker is offline
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Default Re: Fishermans Rally; Wash DC March 21, 2012

no one made me sign up for the marines but i did to do my part.i understand
what is at stake,we have both be doing this a long time.if what you say is true and all we have left is the bottom of the pile then we need allot more than a march.
Old 01-23-2012, 05:22 PM
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Default Re: Fishermans Rally; Wash DC March 21, 2012

Eddie, Agreed 100% ...
"I Fish, I Vote, I Marched"

Old 01-23-2012, 05:28 PM
CaptTB CaptTB is offline
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Default Re: Fishermans Rally; Wash DC March 21, 2012

[quote=bunker dunker]ron,............
if what you say is true and all we have left is the bottom of the pile then we need allot more than a march.[/quote
And it starts with just a tea party. Or it starts with just an idea. Or it starts with just a hunger strike. Or it starts with just a march.

In addition to that march (or the second one as the case may be) is the people working to get those 8 pieces of legislation written, sponsored and (hopefully) voted on. The march on DC was but the tip of the iceberg, but it is the only thing that is PUBLIC and HIGHLY VISIBLE.

But since you have not commented on any of the points made by Hutch i will ask you this: How will the "more than a march" get done if no one will even take the first step?
Old 01-23-2012, 05:41 PM
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Default Re: Fishermans Rally; Wash DC March 21, 2012

I went last time - Nice gettng this thread going early - Hopefully I can go again this year

I am already on the nut list with the Gov

The Name is G.W.
Old 01-23-2012, 05:44 PM
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Default Re: Fishermans Rally; Wash DC March 21, 2012

I'm tired of my Friends and Coworkers suffering . I'll be there .
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Old 01-23-2012, 05:57 PM
bunker dunker bunker dunker is offline
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Default Re: Fishermans Rally; Wash DC March 21, 2012

i have an answer tony but not one that is filled with more political bs.its not just or rights about fishing but all our right as free men in a free country.

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