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Old 10-03-2009, 08:18 AM
CaptTB CaptTB is offline
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Default Re: Meeting with Tony Bogan

Thanks for coming last night guys, hope I didn't make your heads explode from all the acronyms I tossed around

Anyone that knows me knows I have worked hand in hand with many groups over the years, and the RFA almost since it's creation. Last night was not a feel good session for SSFFF, it wasn't a funding drive for RFA, it wasn't an "us vs. them" discussion, etc.

My goal for meeting with you guys last night (and I feel that goal was achieved) was to take a core group of guys that were willing to sit down, learn about our problems (and why those problems exist and what has been and needs to be done to deal with those problems) and see if they were willing to take the next step in getting involved.

We (meaning those groups and individuals who deal with fisheries issues at the council and commission level) need help. The same handful of voices being heard over and over again can sometimes fall on deaf ears.

We also need help in informing the rest of the fishermen out there as to what is happening, and almost as important WHY it is happening.

My thoughts were: Get a handful of guys up to speed on major issues who in turn can go and inform even more guys about those same issues. One guy tells another who tells another etc.

When someone posts a question or makes a comment on a website or starts a conversation on the jetty or at the dock, the more people who have a working knowledge of the issue the more people can explain the issue to that guy or girl. It's the misinformation, the misunderstanding or the simple lack of knowledge of the issues that does much of the damage when it comes to the recreational sector being divided.

People assume too much and typically do not have the time or the inclination to learn more about a subject.

Even some people on here who were debating topics with me stated publicly that they did not even read the responses I had made to them!
Sometimes you need a different voice to get people's attention.

It is my hope that the guys at the meeting will be some of those voices.

Knowing how things work and seeing and hearing those who fight for and against us whenever someone asks me what group they should support,join, whatever I typically give the same response.
Jpoin your local group to help fight those local issues. Join the local chapter of whatever organization seems to be most in line with your beliefs. When it comes to fishing and fisheries management issues that group happens to be the RFA more than any other. Keep in mind, I do not work for RFA, I do not get paid by RFA nor have I ever worked for or been paid by RFA. My statement comes from years of working side by side with this group, watching what they do, hearing what they say, period.

No group or organization is ever going to do what every member wants 100% of the time, it simply is not possible. However, if the group or organization you support is "in-line" with your beliefs more than it is not, to me that's a group worth supporting. When they do something you so not agree with, make sure you let them know. Too often I see people drop from one group or another over a single issue, even though the previous ten issues they have been in sync with one another. Everyone must make their own decision on who to support and who to join. As I said last night, that one year membership due may not seem like much, but when combined with many other people it adds up AND it gives more weight to the group making the argument. When you can knock on a congressman's or Senator's door from MANY states and say "I speak for x amount of YOUR constituents," it means a bit more than a guy from NJ talking to a politician from Mass. or CA. We must act local AND national to accomplish anything, since the rules that govern our fisheries start at the federal or ASMFC level and trickle DOWN to the individual state, not the other way around.

Groups like SSFFF need support for the specific tasks we undertake, the next of which will be coming shortly as we finish paying for the two project we are already doing. People who join a group or organization too often figure "I wrote a check, see you next year." Unfortunately the world in which we live in does not allow it to stop there. Obviously some people can do more, others cannot. That is simply the way it is. In the case of SSFFF we will be knocking on doors and posting messages and going to shows looking for even more money than we have raised to deal with the continuing problems we face. For some, they will have to choose what they support, and that is totally understandable. The well runs dry sooner or later, and too often lately it is sooner rather than later! Nevertheless, while one group fights one battle another group may be fighting a different one, or they may be fighting the same battle but on two different fronts, as has been the case with SSFFF and other groups dealing with Fluke.

All I can say is as we (SSFFF) tke on additional projects we will ask for your help. Any help is appreciated and we totally understand when help is simply not available. In the meantime, get active in whatever way you can and join the group (the membership driven group that needs not just money but "members" to bolster it's standing) that you think best fits your needs.

I currently have devoted the vast majority of my time to SSFFF, and will continue to do so as I believe it is the single best place to put my efforts if I am going to improve the situation with Fluke, and will tell everyone I speak to the same thing. What SSFFF has accomplished to date should be proof positive of their worthiness of your time, effort and continued contributions. At the same time I have been and will continue to run United Boatmen for those in my industry. The only group I hold a membership card from is RFA, so take that for what it's worth.

Enough said, I have to go back to work now!

Thanks again for coming, there will be more to come.